True anger management is to relearn how to regulate this powerful emotion so it can help and not endanger us. Anger itself is a perfectly normal emotion that every healthy person experiences. It can serve our productivity by motivating us to make a life change or right a wrong that we see in our lives. But when anger is a dominating feeling in our everyday life, it can hurt our relationships and possibly ruin every aspect of our lives. Without proper anger management, anger can be devastating in every area of our life. It can lead to dangerous outcomes for our health, partners, parents, children, co-workers, and classmates. The list can be endless:
- Regretful Actions – Have you ever said or did something while angry that you wished you could take back?
- Frightened Family and Friends – Have friends or family ever told you that you can’t control yourself?
- Violence – Have you ever resorted to violence or destroyed property, even your own, while angry?
- Road Rage – Are you easily angered by the slightest offense, such as heavy traffic or getting cut off?
Styles of Anger Issues
There are so many reasons why we can show signs of this intense anger. And there are many ways we show anger issues. But when you boil down the root cause of anger, it is essentially our mind’s emotional camouflage that we use to hide fear, stress, trauma, or guilt. In many cases, we instinctively use it to survive harsh family, business, or relationship environments. While our environments change throughout our lives, our explosive anger which was used to protect us can actually hurt us and others in new environments.
My childhood was filled with an intense fear of my father who had frequent and violent angry outbursts around my family. It is this type of fear that can translate into severe anger problems. I became inspired and transformed to help families who are going thru the same type of suffering. As a certified Anger Management Specialist by the National Anger Management Association, I am trained and experienced in dealing with anger that can be more than just violent. It can be expressed in:
- Stress-induced Anger – you respond to stress by snapping at anyone around you
- Chronic Anger – you can’t seem to shake off an angry feeling that always has you irritated or grumpy
- Simmering Anger – you suppress your rage until a small setback has you exploding or “seeing red”
- Passive-Aggressive Anger – you just shut down with your anger and give the silent treatment
- Self-Righteous Anger – you get angry when someone doesn’t believe in your belief system
Renaissance Anger Management Solutions
Our styles of anger can change depending on our environments and root cause. So in our first anger management session together we will first define your past and current environments to understand how your unique anger was formed. Then we can work on:
- Anger Communication – Learn how to manage your angry outbursts in less aggressive ways
- Anger Reconstruction – Learn how to manage your thought processes that start anger
- Anger Relaxation – Learn how to find an activity that takes your mind off anger
- Anger Reconciliation – Learn how to repair your relationships harmed in your outburst
Anger’s purpose in our mind is to help us survive, spur our creativity, and inspire change. With Renaissance Anger Management, I want to help you re-purpose yours to improve your health and relationships.
Due to concerns of COVID 19. We will continue to help clients with both video conferencing sessions and in person sessions. Click below to schedule your session!